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Epidemiology of Tethered Cord Syndrome With a Normally Positioned Conus in Children

This page was last updated on May 9th, 2017

Incidence and Prevalence

  • 18% of TCS in one series: In the authors’ original report (35) their 12-year experience with 73 patients having TCS was reviewed. Of these, 13 (18%) had a cord termination at or above the L1-L2 vertebral disk space. The mean age for this group was 11.3 years.

Sex Predilection

  • None

Geographic distribution

  • None

Risk Factors

  • None

Relationships to Other Disease States and Syndromes

  • Familial neural tube defects: In patients with occult spinal dysraphism, there may be a greater likelihood of family members having open neural tube defects. However, this is not specific for patients with tethered cords with a normally positioned conus.
  • Other syndromes: Occult spinal dysraphism is also associated with various syndromes including caudal agenesis, cloacal extrophy, VATER and VATER-like syndromes.