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Follow-up After Treatment of Central Nervous System Tumors Occurring During Infancy

This page was last updated on April 8th, 2024

Frequency of Office Visits

  • Multidisciplinary team management: Management of an infant with a CNS tumor usually requires a multiprofessional team approach.

Frequency of Imaging

  • Varies according to tumor and management preference: The initial postoperative MRI scan should be performed within 72 hours. Thereafter, imaging frequency will be determined by histology and local multidisciplinary protocol.

Other Investigations Required

  • CSF cytology via lumbar puncture: If the primary tumor was exposed to the CSF compartment (or arose in it), lumbar CSF should be examined for cytology 7–14 days after surgery to exclude CSF dissemination unless there was preoperative evidence of leptomeningeal disease.