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Adjuvant Therapies for Cavernous Malformations in Children

This page was last updated on April 8th, 2024

Medical or Chemotherapy

  • None


  • Treatment option: For lesions with high surgical risk, SRS is a management option, the main purpose of which is to reduce the risk of hemorrhage. Its use is not without controversy.
  • Proof of efficacy difficult: The hypothetical effect of SRS is radiation-induced vasculopathy eventually leading to vascular luminal closure, similar to the effect of radiosurgery for AVMs. However, cavernous malformations are angiographically occult vascular malformations, and whether the vascular channels in the cavernous malformation have closed up after SRS is difficult to confirm. Observation of subsequent hemorrhage rates after SRS has been the main method so far to assess the effect of SRS on cavernous malformations.