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History of Management of Supratentorial Choroid Plexus Tumors in Children

This page was last updated on April 8th, 2024

Understanding of Disease

  • 1832 – first described: A choroid plexus tumor was first described by Guerard as an autopsy finding in a 3-year-old girl in 1832 (100).

Technological Development

  • Bipolar cautery: Bipolar coagulation has permitted safer resection of those tumors by reducing blood loss.
  • Endoscopes: More recently, better endoscopic tools have allowed surgeons to use minimally invasive approaches with the help of the endoscope to remove such tumors,

Surgical Technique

  • 1919 – first described resection: The first successful operation on a choroid plexus tumor in an adult was described by Perthes in 1919 (105). Such surgery had been tried before by Bielschowsky and Unger in 1906 (106), but the patient died after the intervention. In 1930 Van Wagenen operated a 3- month-old child (107), then Dandy described the operation on a 14-year-old with a third ventricular tumor using a transcallosal approach. In later years Cushing and Matson also each described different approaches (108, 109, 110).