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Long-Term Management of Hydrocephalus in Children

This page was last updated on April 8th, 2024


  • Frequency of office visits is not established: While there is no accepted frequency for follow-up office visits, the concept of scheduled follow-up is important.
  • Frequency of follow-up imaging is not established: There is no established schedule for imaging that will guard against unpredicted failure of treatment.

Adjunctive Therapies

  • Specialists to manage associated diseases: Hydrocephalus is often part of a more complex disease; patients need to be cared for by a network of specialists such as oncologists, endocrinologists, ophthalmologists, urologists, and others.
  • Rehabilitation therapy: Rehabilitation medicine specialists are often in the first line for managing severely handicapped patients.

Transition of Care

  • Anticipate need: Given that all children will become adults, part of their management during adolescence is to anticipate and facilitate transition of care to a neurosurgeon capable of caring for adults with chronic hydrocephalus.
  • Educate patient: Important in the transitional process is educating the patient to assume increasing responsibility for the management of his or her condition.