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Aesculap Gravity Activated Valves

This page was last updated on April 8th, 2024

The paediGAV, GAV and ShuntAssistant valves are designed to alter resistance to CSF flow through the shunt in response to changes in body position. As the body moves from the reclining position to the upright position a ball valve responds to gravity by closing. As pressure builds proximal to this valve it will reopened when a set pressure is reached. The GAV and paediGAV valves also contain a pressure differential valve proximal to the gravity activated valve while the ShuntAssistant is meant to be used with a separate, fixed or adjustable pressure differential valve.

Valve Design


paediGAV Valve


GAV Valve


ShuntAssstant Valve


Radiographic Images

paediGAV Valves


<strong>PaediGAV 4-14 Valve</strong>​

PaediGAV 4-14 Valve

PaediGAV 4-19 Valve

PaediGAV 4-24 Valve

PaediGAV 9-19 Valve

PaediGAV 9-24 Valve

PaediGAV 9-29

GAV Valves

GAV 5-30 Valve

GAV 5-35 Valve

GAV 5-40 Valve

GAV 10-30 Valve

GAV 10-40 Valve

GAV 10-50 Valve

Shunt Assistant Valve

PaediShunt Assistant 10 Valve

Shunt Assistant 15 Valve

Shunt Assistant 20 Valve

Shunt Assistant 25 Valve

Shunt Assistant 30 Valve

Shunt Assistant 35 Valve

ShuntAssistant 25 Valve:

ShuntAssistant 30 Valve:

ShuntAssistant 35 Valve:

Valve Opening Pressures


Valve Dimensions


Valve Assemblies

Available configurations:



Shunt Assistant


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