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Outcome of Treatments for Supratentorial Meningiomas in Children

This page was last updated on April 8th, 2024

Outcome is mostly influenced by location, pathology, degree of resection, and associated risk factors such as NF2 and prior radiation. As discussed previously, the series tend to be small, and there is a good deal of variability in the literature.

  • 0 – 8% mortality rate: The surgical mortality rate is 0  -8%, depending on the series (1, 6).
  • 33% recurrence: The recurrence rate is approximately 33% at 10 years for completely resected lesions, and an incidence of progression is 80% for subtotally resected lesions. The general trends seem to indicate that the classic benign meningioma that can be completely resected has a low recurrence rate and behaves similarly to adult lesions. Because children tend to have more malignant tumors, most series report more dismal overall outcomes in children (1,2,6).
  • Poor prognosis predictors: Incomplete resection or malignant pathology, or association with NF2 or prior radiation, will significantly increase the risk of recurrence (5).