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Follow-Up After Surgery For Tumors Of The Lateral And Third Ventricle in Children

This page was last updated on April 8th, 2024

Frequency of Office Visits

Benign tumors

  • First office visit: 2 weeks after discharge the child is typically seen for a wound check. A second consultation typically occurs 3 months later.
  • Yearly follow-up: Visits once a year thereafter are generally sufficient.

Malignant tumors

  • Oncologist and neurosurgeon: The responsibility for following children with malignant tumors is shared by the oncologist and the neurosurgeon.
  • Frequency of visits: The frequency of visits will depend on the child’s response to treatment. Family members or caregivers should be informed about the possibility of disease progression.

Frequency of Imaging 

  • Baseline MRI: A follow-up MRI with and without gadolinium is first done approximately 3 months postoperatively. An early MRI usually shows many postoperative artifacts that prevent a more accurate assessment.
  • Benign tumors – yearly MRI: These are done during the first 5 years.
  • Malignant tumors – varies: The frequency of scanning malignant tumors will vary according to treatment response and the biology of the tumor.