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Electrocardiogram, aka EKG. A recording of the electrical of the heart.


Electrocorticography – the recording of electroencephalography activity during a surgery. This is typically done in the setting of a need for identification of abnormal brain activity such as seen with seizures.


A revascularization technique used to treat cerebral ischemia due to Moyamoya Disease. The technique consists of dissecting a segment of the temporalis muscle with the the superficial temporal artery attached  without disturbing its vascular flow. The muscle is then laid down onto the exposed cortical surface after performing a craniotomy and dural opening. It can be held in contact by sewing the muscle to the cut edges of dura prior to closing the surgical wound.


Encephaloduroarteriosynangiosis – A revascularization technique used to treat cerebral ischemia due to Moyamoya Disease. The technique consists of dissecting superficial temporal artery free from surround scalp with a cuff of galea for a length of several centimeters without disturbing its vascular flow. The artery is then laid down onto the exposed cortical surface after performing a craniotomy and dural opening. It is held in contact by sewing the galeal cuff to the cut edges of dura prior to closing the surgical wound.


Electroencephalograph – The recording of the electrical activity emitted by the brain’s neurons.


A gene involved in production of the Ephrin B1 protein, a protein involved in the development of cell-to-cell adhesion and communication.  It plays a critical role in evolving the shaping of tissues and organs during embryonic development.


Event free survival – This term is used when there has been no change in either the clinical condition of a patient’s disease or in any tests used to follow the disease such as a radiograph or blood test.


Epithelial growth factor receptor – a cell surface receptor that when activated can lead to cell growth. Mutations of this receptor have been associated with uncontrolled cell division and cancer.


Encephalogaleosynangiosis – refers to a revascularization technique used to treat Moyamoya Disease or cerebral ischemia. Technique is to expose the cortical surface fo the brain after dissecting a portion of galea free from its overlying scalp. The freed galea is then laid down over the cortical surface to remain in contact with it after closure fo the surgical incision. Over time vascular branching from the galea into the ischemic cortical surface results in revascularization.


Enzyme-linked immunoelectrotransfer blot assay.  This is an immunodianostic test assaying whether or not the antibodies are present in the tested fluid.  A positive test suggests that a person is infected or infested by the organism being tested for (i.e., the indivdual’s immune system has developed antibodies to combat the infecting/infesting organism,).