Gross Motor Function Classification System. A 5-level classification system that describes and classifies a child’s functional abilities and limitations in addition to their need for assistive and mobility devices.
WP Glossary
Gross Motor Function Measure. An assessment tool used to assess changes in motor function over time and/or as a result of a treatment
Germinal matrix hemorrhage – Germinal matrix hemorrhage – Bleeding into the periventricular germinal matrix of the brain. It is felt to be due to rupture of delicate vascular vessels within the germinal matrix resulting from hypoxic ischemic injury and death to those vessels’ cell walls. The resulting hemorrhage can then ruptures into the ventricles (germinal matrix intraventricular hemorrhage), spreading throughout the system in a variable degree.
Gram negative – refers to a bacteria which does not take up crystal violet dye. In typical staining protocol the bacteria appear pink due ot a counter stain.
The Goel-Harms Technique or Connstruct. A technique for fusing the C1 level of the cervical spine (neck) to C2 level of the cervical spine. It uses posts screwed into the solid bone lateral to the spine’s canal on both sides at the first and second level of the spine (C1 and C2). The posts are then joined together with a rod on each side to fix or fuse the C1 level to the C2 level, preventing movement between the two.
The measurement of the range of motion of a joint. The measurement is stated in degrees and it is typically obtained with a goniometer.
The measurement of the range of motion of a joint. The measurement is stated in degrees and it is typically obtained with a goniometer.
Gower’s sign
a medical sign associated with weakness of the proximal muscles (hip and thigh) of the leg. It is used to describe a patient who uses his hands and arms assist in getting to a standing position from a squat by using them to “walk” up his or her own body.
Gram positive – refers to bacteria that stain blue with crystal violet.
Grabb-Oakes Line
Also referred to as the pB-C2 line. A line drawn through the odontoid that is perpendicular to a line extending from the posterior basion to posterior-inferior body of C2. The distance of the segment of this line from the anterior edge of the odontoid to the ventral dura represents the degree of encroachment of the odontoid into the upper spinal canal and potential ventral brainstem compression.