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Activity of daily living.  Refer to activities involved with personal care such as getting pour of chair or bed, eating, grooming and toileting.


Adenosine diphosphate – a critical molecule in the energy metabolism cycle in living beings. It is the resulting molecule when the molecule ATP or adenosine triphosphate looses a phosphate group to supply energy to a metabolic process.


Refers to the inlet of the Aqueduct of Sylvius. The inlet can also be termed the aditus.


Antiepileptic drug – a drug used to control epilepsy or seizures.


American Heart Association


AKA homograft: a transplantation of cells, tissues, or organs,from a one person or organism to another of the same species.


The ampulla of the Aqueduct of Sylvius. The widening in the aqueduct’s lumen between the protuberances of the superior and inferior colliculi. Its length is typically 4.5 mm (3.5 to 6mm range)


Anti-nuclear antibody


Absolute Neutrophil Count – The number of neutrophils or polymorphonuclear white blood cells (AKA PMN’s, polys, granulocytes, segmented neutrophils or segs) present in the blood. These are a type of white blood cell that fights against infection.


The picture of a blood vessel. In typical usage it refers to a radiographic image of a blood vessel that has been filled with a contrast element that is radiopague or radiodense on x-ray imaging.