Klippel-Feil 3
WP Glossary
Klippel-Feil 4
kyphosis (from Greek κυφός kyphos, a hump) refers to the normal convex curvature seen in the thoracic and sacral regions of the spine. It is commonly used to also describe abnormally excessive convex curvature (also referred to as hyperkyphosis). Curvature in opposite (concave) direction is referred to as lordosis.
The Inferior Anastomotic Vein. This is the major draining vein of the lateral surface of the temporal lobe. It drains the veins of the lateral sulcus into the transverse sinus.
Low back pain
Low birth weight – defined in the WHO’s IDC-10 as a birth weight of a liveborn infant of less than 2,500 g. regardless of gestational age.
low grade glioma
Late-onset Idiopathic Aqueductal Stenosis- aqueductal stenosis diagnosed later in life after infancy.
A patient position on the operating room table characterized by the patient being supine on a regular OR table with legs abducted and slightly bent, and feet placed in stirrups. The arms are placed on armrests and abducted to 90 degrees.
Lentil lectin-purified glycoprotein antigens. These antigens are obtained from the organism (eg. cysticerci of Taenia solium parasite) and used in immunodianostic blood serum and CSF testing to confirm the infestation of such an organism.