Muscle Evoked Potential. Refers to a recorded nerve or muscle potential that is evoked by stimulation of the central nervous system, typically transcranial cortical stimulation. The D-Wave refers to the recorded upper motor neuron potential and the muscle MEP refers to the potential recorded from a muscle.
WP Glossary
Maternal-Fetal Medicine: a subspecialty of obstetrical medicine that specializes in the care of women with complicated or high-risk pregnancies.
O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase-an enzyme that repairs DNA damage due to methylation. The gene responsible for the synthesis of this enzyme is variably expressed and tumors with epigenetic silencing of this gene have been found to be particularly sensitive to the drug temozolomide.
as in MIB-1 antibody – a monoclonal antibody used to determine the Ki-67 labeling index, an indicator of the degree of cell proliferation shown on a histological section (microscopic piece of tissue being examined microscopically). It can be used on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded sections, a process used universally when examining submitted material microscopically.
micro-doppler ultrasonography
a sonography-based imaging technique with a higher resolution than conventual millimeter scale doppler ultrasound with an ability to image to a depth exceeding the 5 cm limit of conventional ultrasound imaging. This technology allows for a much more detailed image of vascular structures and their directionality of flow.
MicroRNA – a small RNA molecule that is non-coding and contains complimentary base pairs to mRNA molecules that it targets to effect regulation of gene transcription and post-transcription expression.
Minimally invasive spine surgery. Also referred to as microdiskectomy, Typically refers to a technique that is done through a small incision with avoidance of muscle incisions with removal of the herniated disk done using a surgical microscope.
Mismatch Repair – This is a system that recognizes DNA mismatch of base pairs that can occur during replication and recombination. The system then repairs some forms of mismatch.
Management of Myelomeningocele Study – a randomized, prospective multi-center study of the efficacy of in utero closure (i.e., fetal surgery) of myelomeningoceles (spina bifida cystica) present in a fetus while still in the womb.
Moyamoya Disease
This a progressive disorder that causes a narrowing or closing of the carotid artery or the beginning of its major branches at the base of the brain. The primary form is heritable (autosomal dominant) and is responsible for 10% of such cases in Japan. The secondary forms can be seen in patients with conditions such as Sickle Cell Disease, Down’s Syndrome or Neurofibromatosis or after treatments that can be complicated by an irritation of blood vessels (vasculitis) such as radiation.