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Polymerase chain reaction, a technique that uses a small sample of DNA and quickly makes millions to billions of copies thereby amplifying the initial sample to one large enough to study and identify.


Platelet derived growth factor – A potent mitogen for cells of mesenchymal origin, including smooth muscle cells and glial cells. it plays a significant role in blood vessel formation (angiogenesis) and the growth of blood vessels. This is a prominent feature in the growth of cancerous tumors.


Peabody Developmental Motor Scale.  An assessment tool used on neonates and young children (through 5 years of age) that measures a child’s gross and fine motor skills.  The child’s scores for fine, gross and overall motor development can then be compared to normative data.





Peabody Developmental Measure Scales Edition 2.  An assessment tool used on neonates and young children (through 5 years of age) that measures a child’s gross and fine motor skills.  The child’s scores for fine, gross and overall motor development can then be compared to normative data.


Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory.  A validated testing tool used to evaluate functional abilities and performance in children ages 6 months to 7 years.  It has also been used in children older than seven years of age whose disabilities cause them to function below that expected for a normal seven-year-old child.

Pediatric Stroke Outcome Measure

A outcome tool for measuring the neurologic deficit and functional impairment in children following a stroke.  It measures five domains (right sensorimotor, left sensorimotor, language production, language comprehension and, cognitive behavior.  Each of these domains is scored 0 (no deficit) to 2 (severe deficit) for a total score ranging from 0 to 10.


The Pediatric NIH (National Institute of Health) Stroke Scale.  A quantitative tool that grades the severity of stroke in children ages 2-18.  The scale runs from 0 to 42 with 0=normal and 42=greatest severity.


The area of tissue (brain) that surrounds a permanently injuried tissue due to loss of blood circulation whose blood supply is partially deprived. The tissue within a penumbra is salvageable if its blood circulation is reestablished.


Positron Emission Tomography-an imaging technique that detects gamma rays emitted from a tracer radionucleotide tagged to a biologically active molecule that has been introduced into the body. A three-dimensional image or picture showing a functional process within the organ being imaged results..


Patent Foramen Ovale. A hole in the wall between the right and left upper chambers of the heart that has failed to close by the time of birth.  This results in blood flowing in an abnormal pattern from the left side of the heart to the right.