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Progression Free Survival – refers to the length of time after the initiation of treatment (surgery) that the disease being treated shows no signs (clinical or radiographic) of growing or worsening.

PHACE Syndrome

A syndrome that is rare and involves multiple organ systems.  PHACE is an acronym standing for pathological findings or involved organ systems: P = Posterior fossa brain abnormalities; H = Hemangiomas of the face or scalp (large); A = cervical or cerebral Artery abnormalities; C = Cardiac anomalies and Coarctation of the aorta; and E = Eye abnormalities.  S can be included in the acronym (PHACES) in which case it stands for Sternal anomalies.

PHACES Syndrome

A syndrome that is rare and involves multiple organ systems.  PHACE is an acronym standing for pathological findings or involved organ systems: P = Posterior fossa brain abnormalities; H = Hemangiomas of the face or scalp (large); A = cervical or cerebral Artery abnormalities; C = Cardiac anomalies and Coarctation of the aorta; and E = Eye abnormalities.  S can be included in the acronym (PHACES) in which case it stands for Sternal anomalies.


A phenotype is an organism’s observable characteristics or traits. These can include the organism’s appearance, how it develops, how it behaves and how its organ systems work. The phenotype is the product of an organism’s genes’s (the so-called genotype), the organism’s environment and the interaction between the two.


Post hemorrhagic hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus that results from bleeding within the brain as the blood and its degradation by products adversely effect the normal circulation of cerebrospinal fluid with the result being a progressive enlargement of the CSF spaces.


Peak Height Velocity – this is defined as the period of maximum growth rate during adolescents.


Post hemorrhagic ventricular dilation. Enlargement of the ventricles (ventriculomegaly) that results from bleeding within the brain. The blood and its degradation by products adversely effect the normal circulation of cerebrospinal fluid with the result being the enlargement without clinical signs of hydrocephalus.


Pediatric Intensive Care Unit


Placental Alkaline Phosphatase – An enzyme that can be used as a marker for a germinoma.


per million population