per million population
WP Glossary
Primative neuroectodermal tumor. An aggressive tumor of the nervous system occurring primarily in young children but also older children and young adults. It is comprised of immature cells of the neuroectoderm (hence its name).
Primative neuroectodermal tumors. An aggressive tumor of the nervous system occurring primarily in young children but also older children and young adults. It is comprised of immature cells of the neuroectoderm (hence its name).
Post Ovulation Day – Refers to the number of days since release of a mature egg from the ovary into the oviduct.
Polymorphism: a genetic variation resulting in the occurrence of several different forms or types of individuals among the members of a single species. An example would be the different blood groups seen in humans.
Powers Ratio
The ration of the length of the line from the basion (anterior, midline rim of Foramen Magnum) to the posterior arch of C1 divided by the distance of the line from the anterior arch of C1 to the opisthion (posterior, midline rim of the Foramen Magnum). An equal length in the two lines (quotient of one) is normal, whereas a ratio or quotient of first line divided by the second suggests a possible atlanta-occipital dislocation, ann odontoid fracture or a fracture of the ring of the atlas (C1).
Packed Red Blood Cells – Concentrated red blood cells used for blood transfusion to improve the blood’s oxygen carrying capacity. When prepared the white blood cells and much of the plasma components of the volume of blood being processed are removed.
Pro re nata – Latin for “as the circumstance arises” or “in the circumstance”. In common medical use its meaning is “as needed” or “as the situation arises” and it is typically used in prescribing medications to be used as needed..
Proximal Range of Motion. This is the range of motion of a body part achieved when it is moved by an outside force such as an examiner moving an arm or leg of a person they are examining.
A hyper-coagulable state. A propensity for blood clotting or coagulating in the veins as would be seen with an abnormality in the blood’s coagulation system.