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Subependymal Nodules


Sensory Evoked Potential


Sensory Evoked Potentials


Subependymal giant cell tumors – term used by some in place of SEGA (subependymal giant cell astrocytoma) to describe tumors arising in subependymal tissue around the foramen of Monro in children with tuberous sclerosis. The rationale for its use is the finding of cell types other than astrocytomas in the tumor.

shear loading

refers to a force whose vector is parallel to the cross section of a structure. In the spine this would be a force that is parallel to a joints cross section that acts to encourage a dislocation of the joint.

Short Sit

The short sit position is position assumed when sitting in a chair or on a stool with hip and knee joints at 90 degrees and feet flat on the floor.

Short Sitting

The short sit position is position assumed when sitting in a chair or on a stool with hip and knee joints at 90 degrees and feet flat on the floor.


Hydrocephalus is commonly treated with a shunt, a tube typically containing one or more valves to manage the amount of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) it removes from the ventricles or other fluid spaces in or about the central nervous system. The shunt is usually described by the space its inlet(s) drain (e.g., ventricular) and the space into which it deposits the CSF (e.g., peritoneal) to treat the hydrocephalus (e.g., ventricular-peritoneal, ventriculo-peritoneal shunt or VP shunt).


Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (secretion) – a condition where the amount of circulating antiduretic hormone is too high (typically due to its over secretion by the posterior pituitary gland) leading to inappropriate retention of fluids as reflected by hyponatremia.


Sudden Infant Death Syndrome – Sudden death in an infant with no preceding risks factors for death and no explanation fo death at autopsy.