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Somatosensory Evoked Potential


Surgical site infection


Superficial Temporal Artery


A stent retriver.  A mechanical device used in an endovascular procedure to remove a blood clot from a major vessel in an organ such as the brain or heart to re-establish blood flow.


Short Tau Inversion Recovery – A sequence in MR imaging that suppresses the intensity of fat in the image.


Supratentorial tumors of the lateral and third ventricle


Refers to outside the intima layer of a blood vessel.  The are three layers if tissue that make up the walls of a blood vessel, the intima (inner layer), the media and the adventitia.  Subintimal typically refers to something between the intimal and medial layers,

susceptibility weighted imaging

aka BOLD (blood-oxyegen-level dependent) image or BOLD venography. This is a MRI imaging technique that is extremely sensitive to venous blood, hemorrhage and iron storage. It is particularly good at imaging venous blood.


aka BOLD (blood-oxyegen-level dependent) image or BOLD venography. This is a MRI imaging technique that is extremely sensitive to venous blood, hemorrhage and iron storage. It is particularly good at imaging venous blood.


Simian Virus 40 or Simian vacuolating virus 40 – a polyomavirus that is found in both monkeys and humans. As with other polyomaviruses, it is a DNA virus that can cause tumors.