aka BOLD (blood-oxygen-level dependent) image or BOLD venography. This is a MRI imaging technique that is extremely sensitive to venous blood, hemorrhage and iron storage. It is particularly good at imaging venous blood.
WP Glossary
Swischuk Line
This is the line drawn from the anterior aspect of the posterior arch of C1 to the anterior aspect of the posterior arch of C3. If the anterior aspect of the posterior arch of C2 is more than 2 mm anterior to this line it indicates a subluxation of C2 as would occur with a Hangman’s fracture.
A multinucleated mass of cytoplasm. From the word syncytium (/sɪnˈsaɪtiəm/; plural syncytia; from Greek: σύν (syn) = “together” + κύτος (kytos) = “box, i.e. cell”). It results from fusion of a number of cells containing single nuclei.
An abbreviation of syringomyelia, a fluid filled cavity within the spinal cord.
T & C
Type and Cross Match. As in type and cross match blood to possibly be used for a blood transfusion. Refers to the evaluation of a unit of donated blood for its “blood type” and whether it contains abnormal antibodies that might cause an adverse reaction if used in a transfusion.
Tubercle bacillus or tuberculosis
Tubercle bacillus or tuberculosis abscess
Traumatic brain injury. Usually refers to severe injury to brain with associated alteration in state of consciousness.
tubercle bacillus or tuberculosis meningitis
Transcranial doppler. A diagnostic technique using high frequency sound waves to measure the direction and amount of blood flow in a region of the brain.