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The commerical

A hemostatic/sealing surgical adhesive/biologic tissue glue comprised of fibrinogen, thrombin, aprotinin Indications Adjunct to hemostasis in procedures involving cardiopulmonary bypass, repair of spleen; sealant for closing colostomies.


Total intravenous anesthesia


Thoracolumbosacral orthotic. An orthotic used to stabilize scoliosis in an immature spine. Examples include the Wilmington, Boston, Charleston, Milwaukee and SpineCor braces.


Temozolamide – (Brand name Temodar, Temodal and Temcad) An agent that alkylates DNA, most often at the N-7 or O-6 positions of guanine residues. This leads ot terminal DNA damage in targeted cancer cells. Its injury can be repaired in some tumor cells that possess the enzyme O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) or O-6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase (AGT or AGAT). Increasingly tuors are being screened for these enzymes as their presence predicts non-response to temozolomide.


Tenecteplase. Tenecteplase is a modified form of a plasminogen activator (enzyme which dissolves blood clots) used in the emergency treatment of myocardial infarction and pulmonary emboli.


Time-of-flight magnetic resonance angiography: A MRI technique for imaging flow within blood vessels and, consequently, the anatomy of blood vessels without the use fo contrasting agent.  It is based on the principle of repeated application of magnetic pulses followed by a recording of signals emitted by protons as they “relax” out of the state induced by the magnetic pulse.  Since blood flowing within vessels in the field being imaged brings fresh protons to area the summation of recordings after repeated magnetic stimulation shows the increasing volume of signal due fresh protons within the blood as oppose to the lower signal summation in surrounding tissue where fresh protons are not being introduced between magnetic pulses.


An acronym describing a group of infections effecting infant during the perinatal period. It stands for Toxoplasmosis, Other, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus and Herpes Simplex Virus,


Tissue plasminogen activator – an enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of blood clots by driving the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin.

transcriptional repression

A process which inhibits or prevents transcription of DNA. Transcriptional repressor proteins can achieve this by either counteracting positively acting transcriptional factors or inhibiting the basic transcriptional machinery.


– also know as trepination. Derived from the Greek trypanon – a borer. This refers to making a hole, by drilling or scrapping, through the skull or other body surface. It is typically done as part of a therapeutic technique where the dura is exposed to allow for a intracranial treatment such as relieving pressure or draining fluid.