Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
WP Glossary
Urinary Tract Infection
Urinary Tract Infections
Ventriculo-pleural – as in ventricular-pleural shunt, a type of hydrocephalic shunt whose distal end drains into the pleural cavity of the chest.
Ventriculo-atrial – as in ventriculo-atrial shunt, a type of hydrocephalic shunt whose distal end drains into the right atrium of the heart.
Vacuum-assisted wound closure – AKA negative-pressure wound therapy or NPWT. A sealed wound dressing connected to a vacuum pump creates a negative pressure environment for the wound which promotes healing. To date it has been proven efficacous for diabetic ulcers and studies suggest possible benefit in other types of wounds.
Vascular steal
Refers to the diversion of blood flow from one area to another, typically due to a differential in resistance to flow. The area the blood is diverted from suffers ischemia due to the diminution in blood perfusion.
The process of blood vessel formation from progenitor cells (as opposed to angiogenesis which is the process of blood vessel formation from existing blood vessels).
A narrowing of arteries due to vasoconstriction (persistent tightening of vessels). This can be present after a subarachnoid hemorrhage. It can alter the amount of blood through an involved vessel and, in some cases, completely block flow. When severe it leads to ischemia in the tissues perfused by the vessel and can culminate in a stroke.
An association (syndrome) of birth defects consisting of Vertebral anomalies, Anal atresia, TracheoeEophageal fistula and Renal and/or Radial anomalies. This association has been enlarged to VACTERL to include Cardiovascular anomalies and Limb defects.