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MRI of Intramedullary Spinal Cord Cavernoma

This page was last updated on April 8th, 2024

General Findings

  • Average size is 1 cm or less in diameter.
  • Fresh hemorrhage may be present.
  • Venous angioma may be present.

T1-Weighted Sequence

  • Hyperintense centrally with varying levels of intensity reflecting past hemorrhages of varying duration.
  • Hypointense halo surrounds the hyperintense core.  This is due to hemosiderin (21).

T1-weighted MRI of an intramedullary cavernoma:


T2-Weighted Sequence

  • Hypointense central core with scattered small areas of hyperintensity.
  • Hyperintense halo due to hemosiderin is larger that halo seen on T1-weighted sequneces.

T2-weighted MRI of an intramedullary cavernoma: